

We are passionate about collectibles and want our clients to be too. This means we are much more than a marketplace for rare, museum quality collectibles…

We set out to change the way collectibles are bought, sold and viewed by the public. We want more people to know about the history entwined with each and every rare coin, stamp or any other collectible. We recognised that to do this we needed to make some fundamental changes to how collectibles are transacted which in part comes down to lowering fees. As a result we can offer some of the lowest fees around so our clients know they are getting the best possible price whether buying or selling.

It is said that collectors are all collectors of stories. We think this is absolutely true and want to make these stories come alive so take special care to go beyond technical descriptions and provide the history of the item.

Alongside out marketplace we also provide many other services so we are equipped to deal with all clients at every stage of their collecting journey.

Heritatum Collectors

New Collectors

Many of our clients had always wanted to collect but didn’t know where to start. It can be a daunting process with the fields of numismatics, philately and bibliography having their own language, intricacies and specialisms. We are available to demystify the fascinating world of collecting and make it more enjoyable for all.

Heritatum Planning

Legacy Planning

For many the act of collecting is only the first step and they have a long term view. Some build collections so they can pass something highly personal and meaningful down the generations. Others make a collection part of their financial planning. Whatever your aim we are on hand to help you navigate through the process and offer appropriate advise.

Heritatum Sourcing

Sourcing Items

With a large network of clients we can source some of the greatest rarities in existence. We only feature the items designated for sale on our website so if you need something specific please just get in contact and we will look to secure this for you.