
Selling with Heritatum

At Heritatum we set out to make the selling of rare collectibles as easy as possible.

Alongside saving you money, by charging a low sellers fee of only 10% and with no buyers premium, we also want to save you from any stress along the way – you have enjoyed owning these items so we don’t want the journey to end with a bitter taste.

At all times we aim to be open with our communication and on hand to help.

If you are looking to sell any rare coins, stamps or other collectible then please just get in contact, with no obligations, and we will explain everything. You can also download our brief ‘Guide to Selling’ below.

Guide to Selling

We have created a guide to help you better understand all your options, across the market, when you wish to sell. This guide also sets out, in detail, how our system works. Please just let us know if you have any questions or wish for us to expand on anything included.

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