Indian Feudatory State of Duttia

An important and rare set that could be the first stamps ever issued in Duttia in 1893...

As with many of the best stamps the backstory to these items is a controversial one. Academics can’t agree on whether they are essays (for the first stamps) or are the actual first stamps issued in Duttia. This is an impressive set where there are only 3 known making it amongst the rarest of all Feudatory states stamps.

British rule in India was not a clear cut subject and many states ran their own postal service. These states were in one way or another subject to British rule of sorts (through war or diplomacy) but had clearly defined borders and their own political systems.

For postal purposes there were 2 types of states - Convention and Feudatory. In simplified terms the Convention states had an agreement where they could use British stamps (but ‘overprinted’ with the relevant territory and the Feudatory states used their own stamps. These stamps are from the Feudatory state of Duttia (also known as Datia).

Feudatory states were also known as ‘Princely states’ as they were run by local ‘princes’. Initially the lands were awarded to a local ruler who had helped the British East India Company conquer the subcontinent but the company was ultimately taken over by the British State so these areas came under direct British rule. In truth these princes had little control and directions came from a manipulative British Empire who made them feel as though they were important by providing some sense of ‘pomp and ceremony’.


1893(?) set of 4 essays (?) on thin wove, comprising the circular state seal in brownish black within an irregular hand-drawn rectangular double-lined frame in red (112a, 2a,4a) or black (1a), with M/S values at foot. The 1l2a on cream, 1a on rose, 2a on orange, 4a on pale yellow. Some small faults (thins, tones) of little significance and not affecting fine appearance.

One of only three recorded sets, and highly important, as the existence of a similarly produced 1/2a postal stationery envelope in USED condition (= Deschl El ) suggests that these may well be the first postage stamps of Duttia.

dut letter.jpg


Harell (SGA 21 51201 3, lol 434)

RL 1 3/1 /1 98'1, lot 445, and Haverbeck

(Harmer NY 26 June 1973, lots 666-669), with signed letter from Haverbeck (718182) stating that they 'were acquired by me in 1937 from the collection of the late Henry Needham'.

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